Climate Finance: Post-COP26 Reflections on Net-Zero Future Imperatives & Feasibility

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Thu, Nov 18, 2021


The COP26 summit brought governments, civil society and the private sector together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Crucial issues such as the mobilization of effective private and public sector engagement, how private finance might be used to address barriers that prevent investments from materializing, the key role of the financial services sector (banks, insurance, asset managers) in supporting the transition to a resilient net-zero emissions economy, the necessary policy and regulatory changes, and other major issues were discussed in the light of the COP26 meetings by BWC members and partner organizations who attended the conference and have an active role in climate action.


Marjo Koivisto, Director, P Capital Partners

Kenneth Lay, Senior Managing Director, RockCreek

Vivek Pathak, Director and Global Head, Climate Business, IFC

Veronica Scotti, Chairperson, Public Sector Solutions, Swiss Re

Anne Simpson, Managing Investment Director for Board Governance & Sustainability, CalPERS